Home Health Cannabis vs. CBD – what’s the difference?

Cannabis vs. CBD – what’s the difference?


The terms weed, marijuana and CBD are mostly used interchangeably, which in actuality is an incorrect use of terminology. The overuse of euphemisms and various labels has further added to the confusion.

While they are related and it is normal to get confused over their true meaning, it is important to know what they are so you know what is right for you. While one can get you high through its intoxicating impact, the other does not have that kind of impact at all and is rather used for its wondrous medicinal benefits.

Let’s look at what Cannabis and CBD are and their uses.


Cannabis belongs to the Cannabaceae family and has three classifications; Cannabis sativa, Cannabis Indica and the hybrid versions. Hemp and marijuana are broad classifications of cannabis, regarded as umbrella term.

Cannabis is known to have a plethora of active chemical compounds called cannabinoids, and two of these are the focus of many studies. These are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD (Cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis and is primarily responsible for inducing intoxication.

Cannabinoids are known to interact with the endocannabinoid system in the body and impact the neurotransmitters throughout the body to help the ECS restore homeostasis in the body. Cannabis or medical marijuana is used to treat many medical conditions and diseases, including pain management, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, stress and anxiety, inflamed bowel diseases, etc. Legalized drugs containing CBD or THC are now being administered to patients suffering from the above-mentioned medical conditions, among many others. It’s also already legal in certain countries, like Canada – see here: Online Dispensary Canada.

CBD (Cannabidiol)

As explained earlier, CBD is one of the most prominent active compounds derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not impact the mental faculties or cause impairment of cognitive functions. Rather, it is considered to have a multitude of remedial benefits and treatment of a number of medical conditions.

CBD binds itself to the ECS receptors in the body and stimulates therapeutic responses to treat multiple issues in the body. CBD prevents the enzymes from breaking down the endocannabinoids in the body and thus allows them to have more impact on the body. According to research, CBD provides the following health benefits.

  • It helps reduce pain in the body by decreasing pain responses. It is thus beneficial in providing swift pain relief to patients with arthritis or athletes and exercise enthusiasts having sore muscles and joints.
  • It reduces inflammation and can help improve the health of the cardiovascular system in the body and prevent chronic diseases, including cancer. It can also improve gut health by reducing inflammation and thus aid in digestion and regulating metabolism.
  • CBD helps manage depression in patients and elevates mood by regulating the serotonin hormone. It is also known to help with anxiety triggered by social or situational factors and may aid in managing anxiety for public speaking and other such instances.
  • CBD also impacts the neurological functions in the body to help manage epileptic seizures and convulsion episodes. More research is being done on the exact mechanism of this property, but it has proven to be beneficial in this area. In addition, CBD works effectively in managing symptoms of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease and inhibits the progression of the disease.












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